03-19-20 Dr. Sam Downing - “A
FireSide Chat about Coronavirus-19”
03-26-20 Rhonda Johnston, Terri Kiffer - “Helping
Seniors Decide If It’s Time To Sell Their Home”
04-02-20 Maureen Zeurcher - "Cost-Saving
Programs for Medicare Recipients"
04-09-20 Joe Allen - "What Happens When the
Paychecks Stop? A Retirement Income Primer"
04-16-20 Dr. Sam Downing - "Coronavirus &
Caregiver Concerns"
04-23-20 Susan Drysdale - "Anxiety & the
Coronavirus: Getting through these tough times"
04-30-20 Connie Boston - "Creating Habits of
Happiness - Building Resilience"
05-07-20 Karen Russell - "Get a Grip! Secrets
to Improving Strength, Balance & Flexibility"
05-14-20 Bill Binkey - "Should Your Retirement
Plan Include a Reverse Mortgage? Get the Facts!"
05-21-20 Karen Russell - "Chair Dancing &
Cardio Fun"
05-28-20 Erin Aafedt - "Keeping Your Mind
06-04-20 Doug Dunker - "What's All The Buzz
About? Tinnitus Education"
06-11-20 Joe Allen - "Foundations of
06-18-20 Connie Boston - "Medication Dangers
to Seniors"
06-25-20 Shawn Trobia - "Fraud Watch - How to
Outsmart A Crook"
07-02-20 Jazmin Enriquez - "Getting to the
Right Place - Senior Living Solutions"
07-09-20 Kathleen Nemetz - "Regaining Solid Financial Footing
After the Loss of a Spouse"
07-16-20 - Loree Walden - "Pet Ownership
for Seniors - Tips for Success"
07-23-20 - Lupe Aguilera - "Demystifying
Medicare - Clearing Up the Confusion"
07-30-20 - Lyn Cloward - "Being Happier with
Less - The Joy of Being Uncluttered"
08-06-20 - Jazmin Enriquez - "Starting the
Conversation About Aging"
08-13-20 - Bette Borst - "Thumbs Up to Heart
08-20-20 - Pamela Cregger - "Caring During
Difficult Times"
08-27-20 - Dr Susan Drysdale - "How Our
Nervous System Affects Our Ability To Cope"
09-03-20 - Denice Dunker - "Train Your Brain -
How To Keep Your Brain Healthy"
09-10-20 - Bonnie Shimko - "When Is It Time to
Move - The Insights & Journey of Aging Well"
09-17-20 - Clent Walker - "Frank Funeral Facts
- Taking the Fear out of Advance Funeral Planning"
09-24-20 - Joe Allen - "Do You Need a
Financial Advisor & How to Choose One"
10-01-20 - Will Hepburn - "The Top 10
Investment Scams, and How to Avoid Them"
10-08-20 - Debbie Stewart - "You Are Not Alone
- A Message to My Peeps"
10-15-20 - Debbie Stewart - "You Are Not Alone
- A Message to My Peeps"
10-22-20 - Leigh Downing - "Keeping Calm in a
Sea of Crisis - A Checklist for your Lifeboat"
10-29-20 - Wayne Bennett - "How to Reduce Your
Risk of Bone Fractures"
11-05-20 - Sam Downing - "The Dementia Dilemma
- Why Diagnosis is Such a Challenge"
11-12-20 - Adam Bissell - "Living with Loss
& the Death of a Loved One"
11-19-20 - Leigh Downing - "When Every Second
Counts - Communicating with Your Loved One"
01-07-21 - Joe Allen -
"Elections Come and Go, Results Last a Lifetime"
01-14-21 - Karen Russell - "How to Reduce you
Chance of Falling"
01-21-21 - Karen Russell - "Fall
02-04-21 - Sam Downing - "Covid Update"
02-11-21 - Joe Allen - "Making Your Money
02-18-21 - Dr Sam Downing - "Sensory
Stimulation - Subtle Clues to Recognizing Memory Loss"
02-25-21 - Dr Wayne Bennett - "Defending
Against Viral Attack"
03-11-21 - Joe Allen - "Getting Your Ducks in
a Row"
03-18-21 - Chip McLaughlin - "IRA Trusts &
the New SECURE Act - Retirement Planning"
04-01-21 - Candace Lea - "Getting the Respite
You Need as a Caregiver"
04-08-21 - Dr Wayne Bennett - "Male Aging -
Strategies for Success"
04-15-21 - Dr Sam Downing - "Aiming High - 10
Steps Toward quality Living as We Age"
04-29-21 - Erin Aafedt - "Cancer
05-13-21 - Leigh Downing - "Compassionate
Communications with those with Dementia"
05-27-21 - Pamela Cregger - "Caregiver
Survival Techniques"
06-03-21 - Joe Allen - "Fraud Awareness: Be
Alert to Financial Fraud"
06-17-21 - Wayne Bennett - "Keeping Rust Out
of Your Golden Years"
06-24-21 - Pamela Cregger - "Hope & Help
Are Just Around the Corner"
07-29-21 - Dr Sam Downing - "The Dementia
Dilemma - Why Diagnosis is Such a Challenge"
08-12-21 - Dr Sam Downing - "Loneliness - The
Silent Epidemic"
08-19-21 - Bill Binkey - "REVERSE might be the
09-16-21 - Joe Allen - "Simplify Your
09-23-21 - Joella Wiley - "National Senior
Service Programs - The Best Kept Secret"
10-21-21 - Bonnie Shimko - "Life Beyond Covid
- Live Your Best Life"
10-28-21 - Lupe Aguilera - "Medicare - Helping
You Sort It Out"
11-11-21 - Rhonda Johnston - "Should I Stay or
Should I Go"
11-25-21 - Debbie Stewart - "The Senior Connection Story"
01-13-22 - Bill Binkey -
"Going Forward in Reverse - A Better Retirement"
01-27-22 - Candace Lea - "Resilient As We
02-10-22 - Dianne McNamara - "How a Fiduciary
Can Help You...And How To Choose Wisely"
02-24-22 - Joe Allen - "Financial Confidence for Widows"
03-10-22 - Pamela Cregger - "Dementia
Dynamics-Living Engaged with Dementia"
04-28-22 - Joe Allen - "Retirement Strategies
for These Trying Times"
05-12-22 - Rhonda Johnston - "Should I Stay or
Should I Go?"
05-26-22 - Bonnie Shimko - "Personal Advocacy
- Navigating the Journey"
06-09-22 - Will Hepburn - "Scams: Top 10
Investment Scams-What To Look Out For"
06-23-22 - Joe Allen - "Making the Most of
Your Retirement"
07-14-22 - Erin Aafedt - "Signs of a Stroke
and What To Do"
07-28-22 - Dr Sam Downing - "The Four M's of
Age-Friendly Health"
08-11-22 - Doug Dunker - "Hearing Health &
08-25-22 - Joe Allen - "Estate Planning
09-08-22 - Dr Sam Downing -
09-22-22 - Dr Susan Drysdale - "Anxiety"
10-13-22 - Debbie Stewart - "Caregiver
10-27-22 - Alan Wikman - "Discovering Care
Options in Our Community"
01-26-23 - Kelly Paradis -
"Moving On: Choosing between Senior & Assisted Living"
02-09-23 - Candace Lea - "Care Management - Getting the Help You
02-23-23 - Joe Allen - "SECURE ACT 2.0 -
Retirement Savings Plans Changes"
03-09-23 - Heather Shaffer - "Three Ways to
Maintain Health as We Age"
03-23-23 - Pamela Cregger - "5 Wishes - The
Advanced Directive"
04-13-23 - Susan Wielechowski - "The
Remarkable Gems State - Dementia Tool"
04-27-23 - Rob Kanyur - "Tipping Point - Home
Equity Conversion Mortgage 2.0"
05-11-23 - Bill Binkey - "Moving Forward in
Reverse A Better Retirement"
05-25-23 - Elizabeth Harris - "Chronic Care
Management - Optimize Your Health"
06-08-23 - Jarrod Johnson - "5 Wishes -
Advanced Directive, Rich in History"
06-22-23 - Michelle Kiel - "Ten Warning Signs
of Alzheimers"
07-13-23 - Joe Allen - "Financial Confidence
for Widows"
07-27-23 - Doug Dunker - "Dementia Risk from
Hearing Loss"
08-10-23 - Dianne McNamara - "Wise Fiduciary
08-24-23 - Kelly Paradis - "Why Hospice
09-14-23 - Lyn Baker - "Painless
Downsizing-Making Room for happiness"
09-28-23 - Joe Allen - "Fixed Income -
Navigating Changing Interest Rates & Inflation"
10-26-23 - Lynn Stone - "Transform to the New
You with Widow's Might"
11-09-23 - Susan Wielechowski - "Dementia
Tips: How to Survive the Holidays"
01-11-24 - Rob Kanyur -
"Retirement Mortgage - Myths & Facts
01-25-24 - Kelly Paradis - "Where Do I Live
When I Can't Go Home"
02-08-24 - Joe Allen - "Don't Do THIS To Your
Loved Ones"
02-22-24 - Erin Aafedt - "Brain Injuries and
Falls - more common than you think"
03-14-24 - Jen Beyst - "Unforgettable Aging -
Brain Fitness Throughout Your Lifetime"
03-28-24 - Nikki Rosson - "What's Killing Our
Adult Seniors"
04-25-24 - Bonnie Maxwell-Drake
- "Levels of Long Term Care - Where to Start"
05-09-24 - Joe Allen - "Financial Confidence
for Widows"
05-23-24 - Cynthia Estrella - "Hospice
06-13-24 - Bill Binkey - "Moving Forward in
Reverse - A Better Retirement"
06-27-24 - Dianne McNamara - "Wise Fiduciary
07-11-24 - Rob Kanyur - "Riding the Silver
Tsunami into Retirement"
07-25-24 - Alexis Ramirez - "The Empowered
08-08-24 - Char Malone - I'm a Widow - Now What Do
I Do"
08-22-24 - Sarah Twombly "Leaving a Legacy of
09-12-24 - Bonnie Shimko "The Value of
09-26-24 - Lupe Aguilera "Unraveling
10-24-24 - Angela Walker-Weber "Estate
Planning - Aligning It With Your Objectives"
11-14-24 - Keith Bluel - "Understanding Falls
and Strategies to Prevent Them"